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【FinTech人才小聚】The Ecosystem of Fintech Industry - Digital Assets & Wealth Tech in Thailand

作家相片: FinTech TaiwanFinTech Taiwan

世界各國正以一種我們無法想像的速度在進步,對於東南亞等新興市場的傳統金融機構來說,數位化需求尤其迫切。舉泰國為例,泰國的行動網路高度普及,也擁有數百萬活躍的行動裝置使用者,為了達成「數位泰國」的目標,泰國政府將 FinTech 視為國家發展重點任務,在泰國數位經濟部成立後,負責各項Fintech業務發展的局處也陸續展開工作,顯示出國家促進數位產業及虛擬經濟發展的決心;泰國同時也展現出新興產業發展的市場潛力,包含金融科技、電商、線上交易等產業。 本次講座跨海邀請泰國FinTech 金融協會主席主講,採更深入的視角及觀點,呈現泰國FinTech 發展趨勢,包含泰國未來金融技術的應用、生態系樣貌及資本市場概況,希望使有意前進泰國的創業家及投資人,對於泰國的金融環境及市場現況有更多了解。

活動收穫: 1.泰國金融科技產業介紹: 數位金融生態系與開放銀行政策 2.泰國與台灣的數字資產與財富科技

Countries around the world are moving forward at an unimaginable speed. Therefore, digitalization has become especially urgent for traditional financial institutions in emerging markets such as Southeast Asia. Take Thailand as an example, Thailand’s mobile network is now highly common and owning millions of active users. In order to achieve the goal of “Digital Thailand”, the Thai government has set FinTech as one of its main development goals. After the establishment of Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, the bureaus responsible for Fintech development have also started work successively, showing the country's determination to promote the development of digital industries and virtual economy. Meanwhile, Thailand also shows its market potential for the development of emerging industries, including financial technology, e-commerce, online trade and other industries.

In this webinar, the president of the Thai FinTech Financial Association will be invited to share his view of the development trend of FinTech in Thailand, including the future application and ecosystem of Thailand's fintech industry, and the landscape capital market.

Through this event, we hope to help interested entrepreneurs and investors have a better understanding of Thailand's financial environment and market conditions.

Event Outlines:

1. Introduction to the Fintech Industry in Thailand: Landscape of Digital Finance & Open Banking Policies 2. Panel Discussion: Digital Assets and WealthTech in Thailand & Taiwan


Mr. Chonladet Khemarattana


• Launch Thailand's first robo-advisor 'odini', first onshore & offshore mutual funds app 'FinVest', and first self-directed algorithmic trading platform 'Finnize'

• Co-create Thailand's first investment e-wallet as-a-service with AIS and co-create mutual funds investment solutions embedded in the TrueMoney Wallet app with Ascend Wealth

• Achieve 10x of investor account opening growth within one year and reached 1 million downloads milestone

• Elected as the President of Thai Fintech Association and ASEAN Executive Committee in the Global Fintech Impact forum to develop the sustainable global fintech ecosystem

• Create the 'You Collect, They Can Learn' charity campaign to ensure inclusive and equitable education aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 4.


President at Thai Fintech Association, 2021 - Present

Group Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder at Robowealth, 2016 - Present

Managing Director at Apple Wealth Securities, 2014 - 2016

Head of Business Development at KKTRADE Securities (KKP Group), 2012 - 2014

Head of Online Trading & Investment Advisory at Bualuang Securities, 2009 - 2012

Investment Advisory Manager at Thanachart Securities, 2008 - 2009

Senior Financial Engineer at Krungsri Securities, 2007 - 2008

Business Analysis Manager at Wealth Management System, 2006 - 2007

Business Development Analyst at Siam Cement, 2005 - 2006

Risk Management Officer at Bangkok Bank, 2004 - 2005


• Adjunct lecturer at Thammasat, Chulalongkorn, and Assumption University

• Committee of Capital Market Research Forum, Stock Exchange of Thailand

• Advisor for trading application development at the Stock Exchange of Thailand

• Guest speaker of international events such as Bloomberg Technology Decoded, Asia Pacific Ireland Business Forum, Asia Pacific Fintech Bridge, NextGen Aging International Conference, etc.


• Master of Science in Finance (Top Student), Thammasat University

• Bachelor of Arts in Economics (1st Class Honor), Thammasat University

• Digital Strategy for Business Online Course, Columbia Business School

• MIT Fintech Online Course, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

時  間:2022年8月26日(星期五) 14:00-16:00


■ 本活動採Google meet 線上參與,連結將於報名後,發送郵件通知

Time: August 26, 2022 (Friday) 14:00-16:00

Tickets: 250 NTD for non-FIDA members; 100 NTD for FIDA members

■ This event will be held virtually on Google Meet. The link will be sent by email after registration.

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